Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to Fund Home-Based Businesses: Business Loans

A home-based business is a dream come true for many entrepreneurs; you can set your own hours, you don't have to waste time commuting and you get to spend more time with your family. However, like all businesses, home-based businesses need capital to start up and to finish projects. So where do you start looking for funds?
Loans are the most widely available source of funding for home-based businesses. A business loan program that suits your needs may be a little hard to find at first, and you may feel that banks and commercial lenders do not want to take a chance with a small business. But do not let this dishearten you. We'll discuss how to get that crucial loan approved for your home-based business.
Advantages of Business Loans for Funding Home-Based Businesses:
Business loans are valuable to the home business owner because of the wide availability and different terms to suit different needs. Some of the major advantages of using business loans to fund home-based businesses are:
1) Unlike grants or venture capital investments, business loans ensure uninterrupted capital supply for the duration of the project.
2) Business loans can cover a range of business needs; from temporary projects to investments in fixed assets such as land and real estate. Loans can also be used for buying machinery, supplies, and equipment and for transportation needs.
3) Business loans have different terms, so you can choose one that fits your needs the best.
How to Get a Business Loan Approved:
The trickiest part of getting a business loan is getting it approved by the bank or lending firm. Here are some things that you need to keep in mind while approaching a lending institution for a business loan.
1) Credit History:
Your debt repayment history is the first thing the bank will look at. No lender wants to have a potential loan default on its books. Make sure you have had a good loan repayment record; otherwise it may be hard for you to get a business loan.
2) Collateral:
If you have any personal assets such as a house or car that you can offer as collateral, it will assure the lending company that you are serious about repayment.
3) Business Plan:
It is crucial to have a detailed business plan ready, mapping out everything from financing to future courses of action, including how you intend to repay the loan. A well thought out business plan is half the battle.
4) Personal Finances:
Have a personal financial statement ready if you want to expand your home-based business or shift to another location. You need to include your current financial situation, including personal loans, collateral, maturity and payment schedules.
With a good credit history and a well-defined business plan, there is no reason for your application for a business loan to be rejected. If you need advice regarding the kinds of funds available for your home-based business, see a small business advisor for guidance.

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