Saturday, January 7, 2012

Obtaining A Business Loan With Bad Credit

Bad credit need not always be a hurdle for achieving one's dreams. You can obtain a business loan even when you have a bad credit score. There are several independent finance agencies offering business loans to customers with bad credit. You need to just explore different possibilities for obtaining a business loan with bad credit.
Banks issue business loans only on the basis of personal credit scores of the applicant. Hence, banks are not an appropriate funding source to approach in situations where the applicant has a bad credit record. Other alternatives include approaching community lenders, private lenders specializing in bad credit business loans, using home equity as collateral for obtaining a business loan, considering friends and relatives as investors, and SBA.
Community lenders and local banks consider business credit scores while approving a business loan. You can obtain a business loan at a lower interest if the business credit scores are outstanding.
Lenders specializing in bad credit business loans provide funds at a higher interest rate. These agencies require property or equipment in the form of collateral. This form of business loan is called as secured business loan.
Utilizing home equity value as an investment is also a useful option. You can obtain large amounts of money at lower interest rate through home equity loans. However, this option is risky because if the business goes into a loss, you may get into the danger of losing ownership of not just your home but also the business.
Another interesting option is to include friends and relatives in business matters. They can be included into the management as investors provided they offer financial assistance to run the business. However, there are certain disadvantages involved in including family members, relatives and friends.
One can even obtain a business loan through Small Business Administration or SBA. SBA acts as a guarantor, thus providing the lender with necessary assurance against any possible money loss.

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